Our success and progress in a dynamic business terrain rests on or ability to learn and keep adding to what we know. Knowledge gaps exist everywhere, and inefficiency, falling standards, falling productivity, and poor practices are symptoms of such knowledge gaps. Most of Africa is flush with these symptoms, from an individual level through organizational level to industry level. If Africa will arrive at certain levels of productivity of which she had the potential to, then she must begin to focus on the quality of her people, because no economy, no country, no economy, and no civilization can do better than the quality of her people... Swift Africa provides integrated training solutions for individuals, businesses, educational institutions, govt agencies, organizations and industries with the singular aim of improving the most important asset Africa has, the human capital. Swift is built to provide you with relevant information, applicable knowledge, and industry standards, best practices that will cause you, your organization, your organization, your business and your economy to thrive. At Swift Africa, we think of people at their best and we employ ourselves to get you to the best.